
Survey your group with a poll

Instead of asking a single question or a set of questions to your team and sorting out the answers manually, why not use a poll to gather feedback more efficiently? 


Start by clicking on the Messaging Extensions under the message box and select More apps 

Teams messaging extensions

Locate and select Forms 

add Forms extention to Messaging

A Microsoft Forms icon will now be available under the message box 

Forms button in Teams chat

After clicking on the Forms icon you can start generating your poll. Responses can also be anonymous by checking the Keep responses anonymous box at the bottom of the screen. 

Teams polls setup

Completed polls can also be retrieved at any time by opening Forms. Locate the App launcher after signing in to your webmail and select Forms. There you will have access to the polls generated in Teams. 

App launcher Forms


Did you know that the search bar in Teams doubles as a command line? Type in one of the recognized commands and press the space bar to take a shortcut to some of the most frequent tasks: /files to view your recent files, /unread to see new activity, and /call to make a call, just to name a few. 

Commands in Search bar